Wednesday, May 11, 2016

wooden salt and pepper boxes.

our Artists wonderfully worked on these wooden salt and pepper boxes.

we are giving wide range of varieties and designs in this.

Especially we did warli designs in these boxes.

what is warli art..?
Warli painting is a tribal art mostly done by Adivasi from North Sahyadri Range in India (Dahanu, Talasari, Jawhar, Palghar, Mokhada, and Vikramgadh).
Their extremely rudimentary wall paintings use a very basic graphic vocabulary: a circle, a triangle and a square.
Their paintings were monosyllbic. The circle and triangle come from their observation of nature, the circle representing the sun and the moon, the triangle derived from mountains and pointed trees
Only the square seems to obey a different logic and seems to be a human invention, indicating a sacred enclosure or a piece of land.

So the central motive in each ritual painting is the square, known as the "chauk" or "chaukat", mostly of two types: Devchauk and Lagnachauk
Inside a Devchauk, we find Palaghata, the mother goddess, symbolizing fertility. Significantly, male gods are unusual among the Warli and are frequently related to spirits which have taken human shape.

The central motif in these ritual paintings is surrounded by scenes portraying hunting, fishing and farming, festivals and dances, trees and animals.
One of the central striking aspect of many warli painting is the "Tarpa dance"- the tarpa, a trumpet like instrument, is played in turns by different men.

Men and women entwine their hands and move in a circle around the tarpa player.The dancers follow the tarpa player, turning and moving as he turns, never turning their back to the tarpa. The circle formation of the dancers is also said to be a resemble the circle of life.
The ritual paintings are usually done inside the huts. The walls are made of a mixture of branches, earth and cow dung, making a red ochre background for the wall paintings.

The Warli use only white for their paintings. Their white pigment is a mixture of rice paste and water with gum as a binding. They use a bamboo stick chewed at the end to make it as supple as a paintbrush.
( curtesy - Wikipedia )

In our designs too we tried to bring out the traditional warli art

Mainly all the rural background, farming, village activities etc

we hope our customers like our work..

for your orders you can mail us

or you can call or WhatsApp -8179047096

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